The Clone & Space Dialog
The Clone & Space dialog allows you to make more than one copy of an
assembly or component at a time. Clone & Space also puts distance between
the cloned objects, so that they aren't located in exactly the same space as the
original object.

You can clone any number of assemblies or components. However, cloned
assemblies must all fit inside the current project, and cloned components must
all fit inside the current assembly. For example, if you try to put four 30-inch
wide assemblies in a project that is 100 inches wide, an error message
The Clone & Space dialog has the following panes:
- Unique Name. The name of the original object. You can change this name.
SketchList 3D will automatically name the clones based on the contents of
this box. For example, if you make three clones of an assembly named Lower,
the cloned assemblies are named Lower(Clone1), Lower(Clone2), and
- Location of Board. The Left, Front, and Bottom values of the original
board. You cannot change these values in the Clone & Space dialog.
- Number of Cloned Boards. The number of times you want to clone the object
(that is, the total number of objects minus 1 for the existing object).
- Location of the Clone(s). This allows you to specify where the cloned
objects will be located. You have two choices: You can specify the location of
the final cloned object in the group of cloned objects (Determine
Spacing), or you can specify the distance between each of the objects in the
group (Fixed Space).
- Determine Spacing. This allows you to specify the location of the final
object in the group in terms of its Left, Front, and Bottom values.
SketchList 3D will automatically calculate the spacing between the objects
based on the location of the final object and the number of cloned objects.
You can set Left, Front, and Bottom values in any combination; this allows
you to clone an assembly moving it from left to right, front to back, and
bottom to top at the same time. This is useful if, for example, you're
designing a spiral staircase.
- Fixed Space. This allows you to specify the distance between each of the
cloned objects. You must also specify whether objects will be placed to the
left, front, or bottom of the original object.