Closet Design Software Aids Sales

The nice thing about selling customer closets is that the ‘product’ is pretty well understood.   The prospect needs to store certain things in his or her closet.  Usually he or she has a general idea of what that means – so no concept sell is necessary.   The other nice thing is custom closets can demand a good price and offer you a decent markup for your efforts.

The not so great thing is that every closet is different and needs tailoring.  You are working in a set area and need to put what seems like an overflow of items into it.  There is no addition space to be grabbed from here or there.  The design needs to be tight.

Yet the big chains and franchises are making a killing in this segment.  Why is that?

  1.  Price?  I don’t think so – they do not compete that way.
  2.  Quality?  Maybe or maybe not so much quality.
  3.  Fast delivery?  Not really.

Many of these companies begin to win the job at the site of the sale because they use closet design software to create an image of the finished product  in the customer’s mind.   Closet design software is made for this type of sale.

Yet far less than half of the people out there selling custom closets are using closet design software to help them sell, plan, and deliver.

If you are not using some type of design software  you are at a disadvantage.

Why do you think you shouldn’t use closet design software in your business?

  • It  can be hard to learn and use
  • It might require hiring an expert.
  • It can get expensive – with upfront and ongoing fees.
  • It can be risky.
  • And after all – you’ve been in business for all these years – who needs to change!

In fact no expert is required.  You are the expert.  And you can be designing detailed projects in a few days of training and practice.  For SketchList 3D Pro the total cost is $750 – one time.    In fact you can ‘train’ on a live sales situation and get your first sale while learning to use the software.  One user reported that he closet three of the first four proposals he submitted using SketchList 3D.

 The nice thiing about selling customer closets is that the 'product' is pretty well udnerstood in the cusosmer's mind. The not so great thing is that every closet is different and needs tayolring. Closet design software is made for this type of sale - and yet far less than half of the people out there selling custom closets are using closet design software to help them sell, plan, and deliver. The big chains and franchises ar emaking a killing in this segment. Why is that? price? I don't think so - they do not compete that way. Quality? Maybe or maybe not so much quality. Fast delivery? Not really. They win business at the site of the sale because they use closet design software. If you are not - you are at a disadvantage. Why aren't you using closet desgin software in your business? Well - it can be expensive it can be hard to learn and use it might require hirign an expert and it seems risky. After all - you've been in business for all these years - who needs to change! No expert is required. For SketchList 3D Pro version the total cost is $750 - one time. And you can be designing detailed projects in a few days of training. In fact you can 'train' on a live prospect and get your first sale while learning to sue the sofware. The advantages of using the sofware deisgn approach are less work reauired for the proposal, higher close rates, more professional proposal, and all drawings and reports fall out of the design process. Listen to these two stories from the internet. Think long and hard before you take your chances with Closets by Design or you may be in for a big dissappointment! My media room cabinets are a mess from incorrect measurements by designer Lynn M. The installer took over an hour to figure out how he could compensate for Lynns mistakes. I ended up with an ugly mess, and damage to my walls. Without ripping the whole thing out and starting over with the correct size pieces, there is no way for me to get the cabinets that I ordered. Then Lynn ordered the wrong mirrored doors for my bedroom closet claiming she was correct. Clearly, she was not, and exactly the doors I did not want, arrived. Customer service, of course, stood behind their employee. What ever happened to pleasing the paying customer, and I paid really good money for their service and product! I am extremely dissatisfied with this company and their resolving of this matter. Oh and did I mention they charged my credit card the balance without me signing off on the completion of the job? I will never do business with Closet by Design, again!! -------------------------------------------------------------- The sales person came out with her laptop computer and a loose leaf book of photos. We talked for a bit and she measured the closet. She took photos of the interiior of the existing closet as well. On her screen she set up the room - put in the door to the bedroom and we stared to design. We went over a list of styles and I picked the style and color I liked. She started dragging differnt types of cabinets and shelving onto the comuputer screen. The layout in the corner was a little tricky so she presented 2 or 3 options - explaining the differences. As we went on we experimented with different numbers of doors and drawers - and open shelving. There was an area for hanging clothes as well. After a few times switching one cabinet with another - moving things back and forth - we were very close to a solution. Because of a somewhat odd shape of the room due to an adjoining batch room I thought I' be stuck with dead area. Nope. Right on the spot she desgined a shelf unit that exactly matched the space available. Great for shoes I think. It took a while to consider the alternatives. And after we finished I felt the color was too dark but didn't want to make a fuss. No problem - with the click of a mouse button - and a pick of a new color - I had two designs to pick from. I know I was trying to save money - but even before I knew the price I was pretty much sold on using this company. It was easy and I got what I wanted. She did a drawing with dimensions and re-checked the sizes of the closet walls. I got an email from her that night with a price and several photos of the proposed closet. There was a list of components and drawings. I bought a few days later. And more good news - the closet was ready to be installed before I was ready for it! The installers did a great job and everything fits and looks great. Boy it was really a great experinece. I recommend them to anyone who is looking for a closet system. You're the business owner - which of these stories sound better to you? Is the first one happening in your business now? Make the investment now and move onto SketchList 3D - closet design software.

The advantages of using the cabinet software design approach are:

  1. less work required for the proposal,
  2. you achieve higher close rates,
  3. your client gets a more professional proposal,
  4. all drawings and reports fall out of the design process.
  5. the ability to check dimensions, layouts, and purchase orders on the computer reduces or eliminates job killing mistakes before they get to the customer.

Listen to these two stories from the internet.

Story number one.

“Think long and hard before you take your chances with the  X company or you may be in for a big disappointment!  My media room cabinets are a mess from incorrect plans by the designer.  The installer took over an hour to figure out how he could compensate for her mistakes. I ended up with an ugly mess, and damage to my walls. Without ripping the whole thing out and starting over with the correct size pieces, there is no way for me to get the cabinets that I ordered. I  paid really good money for their service and product!

I am extremely dissatisfied with this company and their resolving of this matter. Oh and did I mention they charged my credit card the balance without me signing off on the completion of the job? I will never do business with X  again!!”

Story number two.

“The sales person came out with her laptop computer and a loose leaf book of photos.

The layout in the corner was a little tricky so she presented some options – explaining the differences.  As we went on we experimented with different numbers of doors and drawers – and open shelving.   After a few times switching one cabinet with another – moving things back and forth – we were very close to a solution.

Because of a somewhat odd shape of the room due to an adjoining batch room I thought I’d be stuck with dead area.  Nope.  Right on the spot she designed a shelf unit that exactly matched the space available.   After we finished I felt the color was too dark.  No problem – with the click of a mouse button – and a pick of a new color – I had two designs to pick from.  Before I knew the final price I was pretty much sold on using this company.  It was easy and I got what I wanted.

If you’re the business owner – which of these stories do you want told about your company?   Is the that story  being told by your customers now?

Make the investment now and move onto SketchList 3D – closet design software.

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