Tips and Hints #1 – Make Better Use of Your Woodworking Design Software

Learn to Use Woodworking Design Software

Certain things you just learn over time.

SketchList 3D has been around in one form or another since about 2006-2007.  Which means I have been using it for nearly seven years.  I’ve noticed that there are certain actions or functions – techniques maybe ? – that I use all the time.  They are so automatic that I don’t notice I’m doing them.

That comes up from time to time when I link to a users computer to show them something about this carpentry software of mine.  Usually in the form of  “Wait – do that again.  How did you do that?”

And that goes the other way around as well.  There are times when a user does something with SketchList 3D and I find myself thinking “Hey that’s really pretty cool.”

So I thought I’d try an experiment and put together a less than ten minute video on small tips and tricks of using this woodworking design software.

The other ideas have to do with more training type activities.  Of course some of you have taken advantage of training sessions as described on the web page – and those really work very well.  An alternative to that – in my mind anyway – would be do do presentations to your woodworking groups and clubs.  I did one in the mid-west at the end of November.  About 70 people turned out and I am told enjoyed themselves.  Now – I’m taking Don at his word on this since I was in my office on the east coast doing the presentation via internet.  They had a projector to display the monitor in the wall – and through use of Skype (free calls) on the laptop – I was able to go through SketchList 3D  and even answer questions.    Of course I think this requires people to gather in a room.    But there is a social aspect 🙂

One step removed from that would be to do a SketchList 3D webinar.   I’ve not done one before – but that won’t stop me.  I would like to see if you have an interest in this.  It would involve setting a date and time where you could be at your computer with internet access.   I would do a few things with SketchList 3D to get things started and you can ask questions, pose design ideas, and make suggestions.   There is no cost to you for this type of thing.  So send me an email and let’s see if this woodworking design software webinar idea gains traction.

Any let me know if the Tips video helps and what other topics you’d like to see presented.

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