SketchList Furniture Design Software on Your List?

Wow end of the year already.  The great news (for me anyway) for those of us in the northern hemisphere is that in a week days starting getting longer – more precisely hours of daylight begin to increase.  I don’t know about you but I hate to leave the office at 7:00 and not see daylight!   The year is coming to an end and we all start looking at 2013.  What will be different?

In a recent survey we found that 40% of the woodworkers who responded that they spend just about three hours preparing a proposal and they do almost one proposal a week.  Some more – a few less.  An overwhelming percentage of the responders said they NEED to begin getting 3D into their proposals.  But alas — that’d require change and more importantly time that no one has.  However I say – what if you saved 1 1/2 hours a week doing the proposals AND did them including high quality 3D images which by the way increases the chance of selling the job?  Still change looms large as a negative motivator…

But there’s help for you…

This is a design on which I helped a user who needed quick turn around.  I did it in part because it represented a learning opportunity for me.  Even though the project is set in the corner, I designed this unit from the front view – straight on.  I shaped some of the boards at 45 degrees, inserted a few cabinets, and placed two walls and slanted them at 45 degrees as well.  This give the impression of having created the whole unit at 45 in the corner when indeed I did it straight on the front view.  But I digress.

corner bath - before and after Cabinet Design Software

My point is I am here to help you.  I regularly meet online with woodworking professional to review designs and answer questions.  I am starting to connect woodworkers with SketchList skills and some time with those who need a design done and are willing to pay for that design.  One user suggested the we put a page on the web site where projects can be shared – uploaded and downloaded.  Will do – just need to figure out the technology.

But the thing to know is that I am here to train you and get you productive with SketchList 3D furniture design software – cabinet design software.  I will say that I am a bit – frustrated ? – about the number of people I do speak to about SketchList who contact me (great!) with questions even though they try using the software without seeing even one video.  The videos provide a lot of information to the new user and really save your time if you’ll just invest a bit and watch some.

Finally — ANNOUNCEMENT — on Tuesday we are getting the newest V3i update.  If you have SketchList 3D you will be asked if you want to upgrade when you start your software.   This version contains many of the features I wrote about last week.  I have been using it for a few days and it is great.

Thanks for your support,






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