Pro Woodworking – 5 Tips to get you ahead

Whether you’re just starting a pro woodworking business or have been running one for quite some time, it’s always good to consider new tips and tricks to improve your sales.

From cool woodworking tools to woodworking sales tips, there’s a lot of strategies you can take advantage of.

What would work best for your situation? How can you maximize the work that you do?


Keep reading to learn about 5 pro woodworking tips to boost sales!

1. Get the Right Tools

The key to being a pro woodworker is, of course, having the right tools for the job. The last thing you want to tell a customer is that you can’t do a job right away because you need to order a specific tool, for instance.

The main difference between a woodworker in a shop and a woodworker in a factory is that in a shop you can use your hands for a more personal touch when completing your projects.

This concept is embodied in the chisel, which is an essential tool for any serious woodworker. When you’re completing a job that involves joinery, then you’ll need accuracy. A chisel will give you the precision you need to remove excess wood for a perfect and solid fit.

Chisels are also important when creating mortises, dovetails, and tendons. You simply can’t do woodworking without it.

Another tool you’ll need is a circular saw, whether mounted on a table or handheld. A circular saw gives you the ability to set the height of the blade so you can make narrow slots, dados, and other cuts. Just make sure your circular saw has overall stability which will prevent it from moving in any significant way. Otherwise, you could ruin the project or even injure yourself.

Other tools that you should invest in include a router, a Japanese saw, a power drill, a jigsaw, a compound miter saw, and more.

2. Use Pro Woodworking Software

Woodworking software like SketchList3D can make your life a whole lot easier.

By generating 3D models in no time, you can show off your skills to your client and make sure they’re absolutely in love with your design. If not, you can alter it with a few easy clicks. Clients want to see that you’re business is state-of-the-art rather than stuck with outdated methods.

Additionally, such software can give you precise estimates, shop drawings, material layouts, the ability to duplicate recurring design aspects, and more.

Never before has it been so simple to design kitchens, furniture, cabinets, and other projects.

Best of all, you’ll be able to accurately asses the cost of a job and easily provide a reasonable quote to any prospective clients. That way, you can beat out the clients who either estimate too high from the start or who disappoint clients by estimating too low.

The best woodworking software is easy to use and can be tested using a free trial.

3. Emphasize Visuals on Social Media

The world of social media is highly visual. More and more people want to see intriguing images accompanying a post.

What’s so great is that woodworking provides great visuals and aesthetics in addition to function.

What better way of attracting customers than sharing stylish photos of the work you’ve done, whether for yourself or for happy customers?

When you’re active on these social media sites and are regularly posting engaging content, you can expect loyal customers and potential customers to share your posts and get excited about your business.

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. With woodworking, a picture of beautiful kitchen cabinets on Instagram can be worth a thousand bucks or more.

Consider it a woodworking “sales hack”.

4. Safety is Important

Whether you’re in your workshop or working on a project inside a client’s home, the last thing you want to do is injure yourself on the job.

Not only will it make you look unprofessional but it can cost you a lot of time, money, and maybe even a limb.

Clients want to know that you’ll do a superb job without hurting yourself. If you have a bad track record, they’ll probably go with someone else rather than risk having someone in their home who doesn’t put safety first. It can be a liability for everyone involved.

For starters, you should read the safety information on each tool you have in your shop and any others you plan on using. You should also be wearing the right equipment.

5. Wear the Right Equipment

When using a circular saw, for instance, you could easily get a piece of wood in your eye. Rather than risk blindness, it’s paramount that you always wear proper eye protection when woodworking.

Tools can be loud, even with minor projects.  So you should wear ear protection any time you plan on firing up a noisy piece of equipment. Not only could you become deaf over time without ear protection but you might develop tinnitus in the meantime, which is a constant ringing sound in the ears that never stops.

Another thing you should be aware of is dust. Sawing, sanding, and other woodworking actions can produce a lot of it. Breathing this dust can negatively impact your health, which is why you should wear a face mask for jobs that’ll make a ton of hazardous dust.

Sometimes an accident can happen despite the best safety measures. However, if you’re prepared for it, then the damage can be as minimized as possible. It’s better to come away from an accident with a bump or a bruise rather than a missing finger.

Are You Ready to Use These Pro Woodworking Tips?

Now that you know all about 5 pro woodworking tips to boost sales, you can start working toward a new level of success for your business.

SketchList3D can provide you with all the woodworking software you’ll ever need. Using our expert tools, you can save time, money, and impress your clients with your beautiful 3D models. It’s even great for recreational use.

If you have any questions about our high-quality products, feel free to contact us.

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