Woodworking software for design makes you better
Carpentry software can make a huge difference in your work. It provides you with the opportunity to create virtual models of pieces, test them out, and then print or cut...
Drawer Design-Build Drawers Inside of Drawers
Drawer design was a topic in a recent pop-up session. A pop-up is a free 30-minute online meeting where SketchList 3D developers answer questions and explain the usage of the...
Woodworking design tool – what do you really need
Recently I got an email where someone looking at SketchList 3D Pro carpentry software felt her $2.00 eraser was a better buy. It might be, for her. BTW I found...
Mudroom design using SketchList 3D
Mudroom design was the topic of our Tuesday night users meeting. Each Tuesday night the SketchList 3D user community gets together via Zoom. We typically design something using SketchList 3D...
Woodworking design and reports – board information
Woodworking design should encompass more than drawings. In fact, more information is involved. But the designer usually carries anything beyond lines on paper in his or her head. Which isn’t...
Best woodworking plan software? Building blocks do it.
Woodworking plan software works faster using building blocks and wizards. Using software to plan woodworking projects can be a lot of fun or it can be slow and tedious. It...
CNC Woodworking Introduction by Ralph Bagnall
CNC woodworking was the topic for our special online meeting. CNC woodworking is a topic of interest for many of our SketchList 3D users. Our leader, Ralph Bagnall, is...
Woodworking design – nothing is easier than building blocks
Woodworking design should be this easy. Pick up a block and set it on a table. Pick up another – rinse and repeat – that is do it over until...
SketchUp was not designed for woodworking.
SketchUp. Sometimes you know the wrong tool. Sometimes you don’t. Several software reviews have selected SketchUp as the best software for woodworking design. Whether SketchUp is or is not the...