Woodworking Design Programs Overcome 5 Challenges

Are you a professional woodworker?  If you have been doing this for a while, you know that sales and proposal preparation changed over the past five or so years.   Software is now a key part of your proposal process – or it should be.  The increase in software programs has enhanced woodworking design. It also saves time.

What if while you were designing you had cutting layouts, material lists, and 3D drawings created for you?

Would you like to decrease project time and waste and increase profits? Continue reading to learn how software programs can overcome common woodworking challenges.

Image of computer used for woodworking design


1. Woodworking Software to Create the Customer’s Vision

Woodworkers, like other artisans, possess unique expertise. They have practical knowledge of what will and won’t work. Experience has taught them how to create an object from an idea.

Many customers have visions of what they want but don’t have the expertise.

One consumer, for example, designed their own office space. They ended up with a file drawer that couldn’t open because there was no room.

Using woodworking design software increases your effectiveness and efficiency in project design and completion. These tools enhance the planning phase with the customer, so you are both on the same page.

2. Meeting Customer Expectations with a woodworking design app

For professional woodworkers, not meeting customer expectations can hurt your business. What if you could show them a 3D-image of the completed project? This would allow them to see a picture of their idea.

This lets them make changes before you ever start. The adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words” has never been more true. Customers may ask for something that, when they see it, realize that’s not what they want.

Today’s software tools help you meet and exceed customer expectations. Satisfied customers love to show off their custom-designed pieces. This leads to increased marketing through word-of-mouth.

3. Creating Project Designs and Specifications

Many woodworkers start their craft by using hand-drawn designs. This can offer a fast, creative method for planning your project. However, you must use precise math to correctly plan the size and shape of each piece.

Woodworking software calculates the math to ensure all measurements are correct. They also help make sure angle cut plans are correct the first time. Your quick project design turn-around will impress customers.

Angles must be exact or the pieces won’t come together properly. Mistakes in calculations can cause you to make the wrong cut. This wastes time, materials, and money.

For most projects, your artistic skill impacts the design rendering appearance.  Weaknesses in this area could easily lose you a new job.

If the customer decides they want changes during the project, this creates delays. You must then backtrack and restart. Since time is money, you are once again losing profits.

Effective design programs help increase your competence by identifying possible flaws and offering alternatives. By “working with you”, effective software packages create plans that you know will work.

4. Incorrect Purchase of Materials

Once you’ve completed the design, it’s time to determine how much and what material you need. Woodworking software can create a cutting layout. This can save you hours of prep time.

If there are errors in your layout, you may buy too little or too much material. There’s nothing more frustrating than having to stop in the middle of a project because you’ve run out of something.  Trip to the lumber yard?   If you are operating a business, it’s vital to decrease waste in order to increase profits.

This may seem too good to be true, but woodworking software can generate an accurate shopping list for you. The program-created shopping list decreases second trips or orders for more supplies.  Plus he software calculates material costs for your bid.

This also decreases work delays and prolonged production time.

5. Winning the Bid with Woodworking Software.

Before you can win a bid on a project, you have to capture the client’s attention. Your proposal paints an image of your business. People form an instant impression about whether they might want to work with you or not.

Woodworking software programs prepare professional appearing bid proposals. Their templates make sure that all items are addressed. This can make the difference in whether you win a bid or not.

Are You Ready to Increase Your Productivity and Marketability?

Today, you have more options to choose from among woodworking design software. By selecting the best product, you can realize an increased return on investment. The right package helps you meet and exceed customer expectations on time, on budget.

It can enhance your capabilities and skill set. The program allows you to become a full-service company. Now you have the ability to create project estimates and efficiently manage the progress.

You will have the knowledge and tools for manufacturing, finishing, and installation. Customers feel more confident when the woodworker demonstrates expertise in all

If you’re a professional woodworker, it’s important to find ways to work smarter. Investing in a quality woodworking design software program can enhance your business.

SketchList 3D

SketchLIst is a top-rated, easy to learn woodworking program. It creates designs and generates proposals that include 3-D images. The program provides cutting layouts and shopping lists.

This program includes tutorial videos to help you learn and use the software. You can create custom cabinets of many different styles.

This program thinks like a craftsman, not a computer. There’s no need for expertise in working with computers to use our program. Contact us and sign up today for your free 30-day trial.

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